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Personnel Committee Minutes 01/08/09
T o w n   o f   C h i l m a r k   P e r s o n n e l   B o a r d
Approved 1/22/2009
M i n u t e s
Thursday January 8th, 2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present:    Susan Heilbron (Vice-Chair), Jennie Greene, Stephen Lewenberg, Polly McDowell (Staff Liaison)

Also Present:  J.B. Riggs Parker (Selectman), Tim Carroll (Executive Secretary), Marina Lent (Personnel Board Secretary), Andrew Goldman (Housing Committee), Janet Weidner (Planning Board), Chuck Hodgkinson (Coordinator of Administrative Support)

Absent:  Max McCreery

Minutes of December 11th, 2008 unanimously adopted with amendments.

Personnel Board Budget FY’10:   

Susan Heilbron suggested that the Personnel Board not add an additional hour to Personnel Board staffing.  Jennie Greene made a MOTION to reduce the salary line of the FY2010 budget to the level-funded amount of $4,506.00, for an average of four (4) hours per week of staff time.  Motion unanimously approved.

The following is the proposed FY’10 budget reflecting today’s adjusted salary line item:

Proposed FY’10
Change from FY’09
Administrative Assistant
$ 4,506.00
Professional Development
$     200.00
(   650.00)
$     100.00
$        30.00
In-State Travel
$     100.00
(   480.00)
Dues and Memberships
$       75.00
(      25.00)
$  5,011.00
( 1,155.00)

In the context of discussion of legal advice to the Personnel Board upon completion of its drafting of a Policy/Procedure Manual and Bylaw, it was noted that Stephen Lewenberg’s participation in the work of the Board is advisory in nature and does not constitute legal advice.

Administrator/Inspector – Board of Health:   The Personnel Board unanimously approved the position description for the Administrator/Inspector as approved by the Board of Health at its meeting of 12/17/2008.  The substance of this position description was originally approved by the Personnel Board on November 6th 2008.  

Tri-Town Ambulance Positions:  Stephen Lewenberg and Max McCreery will form a subcommittee to review changes in the management structure of the Tri-Town Ambulance as reflected in draft ambulance position descriptions approved by the Tri-Town Ambulance Committee in 2008.  The Personnel Board has invited Tri-Town Ambulance Coordinator Martina Mastromonaco to its next meeting.

Step level for the Administrative Assistant to the Housing Committee and Planning Board:  Andrew Goldman reported on the wish of the Housing Committee and Planning Board to hire Todd Christey at Grade 6, step 3.

Jennie Greene made a MOTION to hire Todd Christy at a Grade six, step three, retroactive to the date of hire, approved unanimously.  

Receptionist/Assistant to the Executive Secretary:  Members discussed their understanding of the relative priority to be given to the two primary functions of this position, and of the advertisement which indicated the existence of a strong, in-house candidate.  

Tim Carroll stated that the hiring process was proceeding on the basis of the agreed job description with no changes made or contemplated to the position description.

The Personnel Board decided to invite members of the Board of Selectmen (BOS) to a special meeting of the Personnel Board on January 12th to obtain their feedback to this position, as well as to obtain BOS input on the hiring process to be developed by the Personnel Board for a Chilmark Police Chief.  Chuck Hodgkinson reported back on discussions with Tisbury Administrator John Bugbee on hiring for this office.

The meeting was adjourned at 09:30.